Dr. Baley has practiced Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM)exclusively since 2004.
Dr. Baley is President of the American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture. She is also a member of the Research Committee for the American
Holistive Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA) and a VIN Consultant on the Alternative Medicine Board.
Dr. Baley's education includes two doctorates and advanced certifications in veterinary acupuncture.
Dr. Baley is regularly invited to speak at veterinary conferences around the world. We are very fortunate that she chose to make her home here in the Houston area!
Her next talk will be in Syracuse New York where she will be lecturing on Topics in Complimentary Medicine to the New York State Veterinary Medical Society.
Here is a list of past events where Dr. Baley has been invited to speak;
Canadian Oriental Medical Symposium, March 26-29, 2015
Veterinary Presymposium
International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (Florence, Italy) September 24-27, 2014
TCVM and the mitochondria
North American Veterinary Conference: AAVA
track. January 19-23, 2013
Points Beyond Basic, Glomerular Nephritis
Case, Two-Needle Acupuncture Techniques in the Equine
North American Veterinary Conference: AAVA
track. January 19-23, 2013
Points Beyond Basic, Glomerular Nephritis
Case, Two-Needle Acupuncture Techniques in the Equine
American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture Annual Conference March 2-4, 2012
Diagnosing Equine Endocrinopathies in the TCVM Paradigm, Diagnosing Small Animal
Endocrinopathies in the TCVM Paradigm, Experimenting with 2 Needle Acupuncture Treatment (Equine), Experimenting with 2 Needle Acupuncture Treatment (Small Animal)
North American Veterinary Conference: AAVA Track. January 15th,
Treating Liver Disease, Equine
Anhidrosis, Improving your TCVM Exam, Finding the Diagnosis, Case Report: Treating a case of Equine Headshaking